
Hello, production world!

Welcome to the first post from Stagehand News Network! This site’s mission statement is simple.

Give Stagehands the information they need to navigate these times.

Certainly, we’re all going through unprecedented hardships. There hasn’t been a time like this in all the history of America. Tens of millions of people (including 95+% of the Live Event Industry) are unemployed. A new virus has killed 193,253 people in this country, with 10,000+ in California, as of this writing (9/7/2020). Millions of Americans are on the edge of being evicted from their homes. At the same time, There has never been a more divisive time in this country’s history. Between BLM, the battle to wear a mask or not, politicians that seem to not care whether we live or die, and a president that golfs, and only cares about reelection, things look bad. We truly are at a point in time where in 2 months time we could either be getting busy, building back better, getting ready for 4 more years of the same thing we’ve had for 4 years already, or the world could literally end. Did I mention killer hornets or the asteroid heading for the Earth, due to hit 9/1/2020? We have much work to do.

By “Stagehands”, I mean every worker employed in the Event Production Industry: truck loaders, pushers, carpenters, props, audio and video engineers, electricians, meeting room operators and many more. Literally millions of people from many different backgrounds depend on the Live Events Industry.

We, at @snn promise:

-Never to publish unverified information

-To always attempt to give you the information you need to navigate our way through the mess that’s become our new normal.

-To provide event/peaceful protest schedules and map information, with content from, plus much more.

We @snn welcome content from you. We can’t do this ourselves. In the very near future, We will activate a feature where you, members of this site, can upload your own stories/articles/pictures etc. We look forward to your great content!

Thank you for checking @snn out. We hope you’ll find a home here.


By agent1

I have been the Communications/Social Media Director for an IATSE Local. I watch Politics on TV like its a sport, And it kinda is, isn't it?
I fix iPods, Dance poorly and make attempts at digital music.
I'm very worried about the future.